Saturday, July 22, 2006

Saturday - Hanging Around the Cabin

Today, we hung around the cabin all day, blogging, cleaning rocks, playing with the dog, and other fun stuff...


  1. These are great pictures. Also a good way to document your trip. Sorry to hear about Hershey what an awesome tribute. The field mouse is cute, do you still have it.
    Lauren--R.I.P Hershey:(
    Bryan--Lauren's getting really boring. Please hurry back!!
    p.s. I like the field mouse.
    Lauren--Bryan, I'm feeling the love.

    The Waites

  2. Bad news about Kisses the field didn't make it. We think it was already sick when Vivian found it. It died overnight, but we just couldn't blog it...too much rodent drama for a single page!
